4700] [upmu_is_chr_det] 1[4700] DRAM Rank :3[4700] DRAM Rank[0] Start = 0x40000000, Size = 0x25fc0000[4700] DRAM Rank[1] Start = 0x70000000, Size = 0x10000000[4700] DRAM Rank[2] Start = 0x80000000, Size = 0x40000000[4700] cmdline: console=tty0 console=ttyMT0,921600n1 root=/dev/ram vmalloc=496M androidboot.hardware=mt6735 slub_max_order=0 slub_debug=O androidboot.verifiedbootstate=green bootopt=64S3,32N2,64N2 facmode=0 lcm_otp_flag=1 printk.disable_uart=0 bootprof.pl_t=2357 bootprof.lk_t=2392 boot_reason=1 androidboot.serialno=0123456789ABCDEF androidboot.bootreason=usb emmcid=150100514531334d42 gpt=1 mrdump.lk=MRDUMP04 mrdump_rsvmem=0x41e00000,0x400000,0x42100000,0x19c4c0,0x4e000000,0x200000 mrdump_ddr_reserve_ready=no[4700] lk boot time = 2392 ms[4700] lk boot mode = 8[4700] lk boot reason = usb[4700] lk finished --> jump to linux kernel 64Bit[4700] [LK]jump to K64 0x40080000[ATF](0)[0.0]save kernel info[ATF](0)[0.0]Kernel_EL2[ATF](0)[0.0]Kernel is 64Bit[ATF](0)[0.0]pc=0x40080000, r0=0x4e000000, r1=0x0INFO: BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world, KernelINFO: BL3-1: Next image address = 0x40080000INFO: BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9[ATF](0)[0.0]el3_exit[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Initializing cgroup subsys cpu[
[LK]jump to K64 0x40080000